I was walking all alone
And not quite sure of where to go.
I asked some passing neighbors
But the neighbors didn’t know.
Probably they thought
that I looked confident enough.
They quickly left me there
to let me figure out my stuff.
I asked another someone
Who was so absorbed in thought
That simply not being noticed
Was the answer that I got.
And then I passed a worried face
That told me all was grim.
I wondered, “Should I worry too?”
I simply walked past him.
I passed many other faces
And to each I spoke in turn
I asked them what I ought to do,
To see what I could learn.
Some of them were simply angry
With opinions that reached far.
Then they followed those opinions.
Now I don’t know where they are.
I was deserted, disconcerted.
Many people sort of tried
To offer some suggestions
But I couldn’t quite decide.
Many well-intending faces
Seemed to offer sound advice.
It’s not that they weren’t helpful
Or their wisdom wasn’t nice.
It’s just as time went on
I think I noticed something fraught.
“I think I’m kind of… lonely,”
Was the most recurring thought.
And then by some coincidence,
Around the corner came
An old familiar smiling face
That promptly called my name,
Then said, “I’m glad I found you!
I’ve been looking high and low.
I know what you’ve been through
And I know where you ought to go.
“Just stick with me. I don’t mind
If we go this way together.
We’ll talk and laugh and pass the time
Until you’re feeling better.”
That’s exactly how it happened
And my story finds its end.
While I wanted some direction,
What I needed was a friend.